It can be easy to neglect your eyes because they rarely hurt when there’s a problem, but taking care of them and protecting your eyesight is an important factor to help you maintain your quality of life.
The leading causes of sight and eye problems are age-related, which is why you should take care of your eyes as you age. Here’s a list of some simple things you can do to help keep your eyes fit and healthy:
Regular eye tests
Eyes tests are not only about new glasses or a change of prescription – they are important because they can detect health problems and early signs of eye health conditions. Optometrists recommend that most people have an eye test every two years.
Don’t smoke
Smoking increases your risk of health conditions affecting the eye, such as cataracts. If you are a smoker, you can visit our support page for tips to help you quit.
Exercise regularly
Exercise not only keeps your body fit; research has shown that it can help reduce the risk of vision loss, which can occur as a result of high blood pressure, diabetes and hardening of the arteries.
Keep a healthy diet
A healthy, balanced diet contributes to your overall health, including your eyes. Some of the best vitamins for eye health are Vitamins A and D, which you can get from a variety of fruit and vegetables.
Protect your eyes from the sun
Never look at the sun directly, and wear sunglasses that can help protect your eyes from UV rays. Look for a pair carrying the CE mark, which ensures to offer a safe level of protection.
Give your eyes a rest
Staring at a computer or screen for long periods of time can cause eye strain. The 20-20-20 rule can be helpful: Try to rest your eyes every 20 minutes by focusing on something that is 20 feet away, for 20 seconds.
Source: Based on information from NHS, National Eye Institute (NEI) and WebMD.