Segmentation Policy for Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V. and Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V.
There are multiple criteria that play a role in determining whether we ae prepared to insure a particular risk, what we are prepared to insure it against, and what the premium will be. These criteria serve as Acceptance Criteria (AC), Special Terms (SP) and Pricing. Based on these segmentation criteria, we try to find a balance between the premium you pay and the loss we anticipate. The segmentation criteria are objective criteria that can influence the probability or extent of loss.
Please find below an explanation of the segmentation criteria we apply.
UW Type
Certain UW types have specific acceptance criteria (MHD & CPME) and are not open to everyone. MHD has a higher base price.
Coverage Selection
This isn’t a driver for overall acceptance/declines but we may take modular attachments into account when deciding to apply an individual exclusion/loading. Overall product selection generally doesn’t impact the UW decision.
Affects the level of medical risk presented.
Country of Residence
Medical costs can vary depending on country in which treatment is received. Some countries are restricted due to sanctions.
Medical costs can vary depending on country in which treatment is received and people get treatment while visiting their home country. Some nationalities are restricted due to sanctions.
Body mass index at the extreme ends of the scale are indicators of increased medical risk.
Smoking status
Smoking increases medical risk factors. We don’t load smokers at the outset, nor do we apply exclusions specifically for this. We do factor this is as a consideration when other conditions are present or the person has a high BMI.
We may apply an exclusion or offer loading when someone has a dangerous occupation.
Hobbies/Avocations/Hazardous pursuits
We may apply an exclusion or offer loading when someone engages in an activity where there is an increased risk of injury.
Medical History
Medical history including ongoing conditions or undiagnosed symptoms is an indicator of the level of risk.