How technology is improving holistic care
July 2021   HEALTHCARE

How technology is improving holistic care

Technological developments are a key factor in improving people’s holistic well-being, particularly when it comes to accessing care. By investing in innovation, Cigna Europe is making this possible in a way that’s effective and personalised to each individual. But how do advances in technology affect plan members’ overall well-being?
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Technological developments are a key factor in improving people’s holistic well-being, particularly when it comes to accessing care. By investing in innovation, Cigna Europe is making this possible in a way that’s effective and personalised to each individual. But how do advances in technology affect plan members’ overall well-being?

The benefits these technological developments have on our lives are significant - they offer immediacy, security and comfort. At Cigna Europe, investing in innovation is part of our DNA and we see digital tools as ways for improving access to a wide range of holistic health solutions. This is because in the field of health, technology can be used to offer services that are adapted to everyone’s needs, at any time and in any place.

Mobile devices play a key role. They provide access to care anywhere in the world, which is crucial to people’s holistic well-being. According to data from our Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact Study, almost 70% of the population say they care more about the health care services they have access to. This reinforces the fact that global telehealth solutions are no longer a technology of the future, but part of our present day life, and their impact on society will only increase exponentially in the years ahead.

In addition to improving access to care, how is technology helping to manage our holistic well-being?

  • It reduces the time spent on the diagnosis-treatment-recovery cycle. Thanks to digital innovations, it is now easier than ever to monitor your health status and have a consultation with a health care provider. And with Global Telehealth and health care solutions available through applications such as the Cigna Wellbeing app™, it is possible to consult a physician whenever you need to and monitor your health status any time and place. This reduces waiting periods and travel, which means less uncertainty, more peace of mind and a significant improvement in balancing health care with work and family life.
  • It makes it possible to provide access to multiple health services using a single platform. The convenience of being able to access multiple holistic health care services using a single platform has a positive effect when adopting a healthy lifestyle. From online coaching programmes to health assessments and 24/7 consultations with health care providers, users can access all these services in one place. Now it’s easier than ever!
  • It promotes a healthy lifestyle. Technological developments have changed the health management experience. Many of these services are aimed at promoting and supporting a healthy lifestyle. In this respect, it’s important to acknowledge the value of technology when it comes to health prevention and the positive influence it has in improving our quality of life.

There’s another factor. It’s important to recognise that just as our way of life is changing, so are our needs. We need to start thinking about our Whole Health, which is more than just looking after our body and mind. It’s also about recognising that everything that makes up our world – our family and friends, our work life balance, our financial health and access to care – is all connected and can influence how we think and feel at any given time. Now, more than ever, we need to look at the full picture of health.

When it comes to our health, technological developments must reflect this understanding, and take into account that all the areas of our life are interconnected – our family and home, work life, financial health and support network. And when it comes to providing holistic care solutions, this must be recognised.

Cigna Europe’s Whole Health model brings together all these factors to provide a bigger and clearer picture of people’s lives and offer them better support in the areas that mean the most to them. We can develop a specific solution tailored to the needs of each person, and provide comprehensive assistance through our wide range of products and services.

To find out what Cigna Europe can do to help you adopt a holistic health care approach using digital resources, click on this link for more information.

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