Global Telehealth and SMEs: All the benefits of a successful team

Global Telehealth and SMEs: All the benefits of a successful team

ACCESS TO CARE - Promoting a healthy work environment that helps improve employee well-being is fundamental to the success of any company, of any size. SMEs are no exception.
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Promoting a healthy work environment that helps improve employee well-being is fundamental to the success of any company, of any size. SMEs are no exception. Where there is a greater sense of well-being among team members, there is a higher level of motivation and, as a result, an increase in productivity. In the face of an ever-changing work environment, what can a holistic response to employees’ needs offer? The answer is Global Telehealth. And here’s why!

Many questions may arise when implementing a health and wellness plan in an SME, such as: Where to start? Which solution would be the most appropriate for the company? Is it possible to measure the return on investment?

While it is vital that each company analyses its employees’ specific needs carefully to provide a tailor-made solution, the very nature of some solutions makes them a true ally of SMEs, given the flexibility they offer and their holistic health approach. Yes, we are talking about Global Telehealth solutions and how they play an important role in the success of a business.

This is because SMEs with higher levels of employee well-being are more competitive. So, employees who feel healthier and more cared for are more satisfied, which will increase their motivation and, as a result, their productivity. After adding the countless company benefits of these new digital tools to the equation, the result is clear. Opting for Global Telehealth solutions means investing in the success of your SME, given the flexibility they offer when adapting quickly to the ever-changing work and social environment.

Want to know more about this? Click here and discover all that Cigna can do to help you care for your staff!

As a matter of fact, having easy and secure access to quality care, at anytime and anywhere, as well as the possibility to enjoy a number of services focused on integral health care, prevention, and adopting a healthy lifestyle, are what makes these solutions a real ally of SMEs, for various reasons:

  • They give workers more assurance and make them feel more satisfied. The peace of mind of knowing that they can consult a health professional when needed, wherever they are, has a direct impact on their satisfaction with the company. By extending this benefit to their families, the positive impact is even greater.
  • They represent a way of offering care tailored to each individual via a single platform. The key to a successful health programme lies in its ability to meet each individual’s particular needs. A Global Telehealth solution is perfect for achieving this objective, as personalised care can be offered to each individual via a single platform to respond effectively to their every need. 
  • They are a highly effective investment. Given that this solution alone can meet all or most of workers’ health and well-being needs, the return on investment is maximised, which means excellent results with limited resources.
  • They play a central role in health prevention. Providing employees with a solution they can use to closely monitor their health status, share their biometric data with health care providers or obtain expert advice on adopting a healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in preventing or improving the treatment of various conditions. They may also be the perfect addition to specific health prevention plans implemented for certain groups, for example, colon and breast cancer prevention plans, smoking prevention plans, cardiovascular health plans, etc.
  • They reduce absenteeism for health reasons. Because these solutions offer 24/7 care, they prevent unnecessary travel and, as a result, reduce absences. 
  • They improve the quality of life of employees with a chronic disease. According to Eurofound, a quarter of the EU working population has a chronic disease. The probability that one or more employees have a chronic illness is therefore high. Offering them a Global Telehealth solution will improve their self-care, autonomy and adherence to treatment. This improves the way the disease evolves and slows down the occurrence of complications associated with these illnesses.  
  • They boost the company’s reputation. By investing in the health and well-being of its team by providing access to a Global Telehealth solution, an SME conveys that people are its top priority. This results in its employees feeling more satisfied, making them the company’s best ambassadors. But that’s not all, as those outside the company will see it as one that cares about and is committed to its workers. This will, in turn, improve its reputation and ability to attract the best talent, which is key for small or medium-sized enterprises to grow.

Lastly, there are some other reasons that are linked to the current social context. Global Telehealth is a care model that has grown significantly due to the pandemic. So much so that, according to the ‘Living and working in Europe 2020’ report by Eurofound, 59% of people say they would choose to have a consultation or diagnosis virtually if given the option, which is 20% more than those who said they would use this service before the pandemic (41%), according to the Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact Study. So, Global Telehealth is here to stay, and any SME that wants to remain at the forefront should bear this in mind.

It is also important for companies to offer health insurance

Likewise, workers now want their companies to provide enhanced health insurance cover (62%) and more support on staying healthy (48%), according to the above-mentioned study by Cigna. Given that many health insurance policies include access to Global Telehealth services, it is a good idea to consider providing this benefit, which is one that is highly sought after and most appreciated by employees today.

Company health insurance allows organisations to offer better recruitment conditions for their workers compared to individual health insurance. In addition, thanks to its flexibility, each insurance component can be tailored to the entity’s needs and structure: from the product terms to the cover, to additional services and form of payment. Taking out this service guarantees not only the best premiums but also excellent health cover.

Companies like Cigna are the perfect health partner for SMEs, thanks to our wide range of solutions tailored to the needs of any company, of any size, particularly Global Telemedicine services, which are at the forefront of innovation. We have a vast network of medical specialists who offer our plan members 24/7 care wherever they are. We also offer specific support to improve people’s quality of life by providing full assistance and guaranteeing continual support and monitoring. In addition, our members have access to a wealth of resources (from online coaching programmes to various health management tools) to help improve their overall health.

For more information, click on this link and discover all that Cigna can do to help you invest in the success of your SME – all while benefiting from cutting-edge digital services.


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Cigna designs health insurance solutions that will help improve employee wellness and productivity while helping you control your costs.  For more information on how a Cigna health insurance plan can help you improve employee health and wellbeing, get in touch with our team.

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