5 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

5 Tips to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

A new year is always a great opportunity to start fresh and make your goals happen; to get inspired and make changes to your lifestyle for the better.
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New Year’s resolutions can vary greatly, but they are all about achieving something that will have a positive impact in your life.

Whatever your goal is – the important thing is that you are on the right path to achieve it. Read through these tips to help you stick to your New Year resolutions and maximize your chances of not giving up.

1. Start with small goals

You may be feeling motivated and excited about your goal, but don’t let your ambition lead you to unattainable levels. If you want to try a new activity, don’t commit yourself to 5 times a week – start slowly and consistently so that your body gets used to it, and build from there. Giving yourself the ability to meet your goal in small steps can help you avoid discouragement along the way.

2. Make it measurable

For your goal to be attainable, it’s important that you make it specific and measurable. For example, if you want to exercise more, set the amount of time you want this to be: 30 minutes a day, 4 times a week; or if you want to lose weight, make sure you know exactly what healthy weight figure you want to achieve. By assigning a measurement, you are specifying what goal success looks like.

To help you keep track of your progress, you can use an activity tracker where you can log your food intake and exercise.

3. Be realistic

Set your goals according to your lifestyle and with what you will be able to achieve, otherwise you might lose your motivation. Be honest to yourself and be sure to consider the resources and time you have available to help you meet your goals.

4. Make a plan

So you know what you want to accomplish, but make sure you also determine the when, where, and why of your vision – that way you can establish an action plan and set yourself on the right path to achieve your goal.

5. Stay positive

It can be difficult to make changes in your life, but focusing on the negative side will only discourage you. Try not to think about how tired you will feel after a session at the gym, or how much stress it may cause you if you stop smoking – believe in your goal and try to constantly remind yourself of the benefits and the impact it will have on your life. Focusing on the positives will help you stick to your resolution and make it happen.

Sources: Based on information from Fitbit.

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