Crisis Assistance Plus™
October 2020   HEALTHCARE

Crisis Assistance Plus™

Cigna Global introduces additional peace of mind for customers when travelling globally.
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At Cigna, we’re on a mission to improve the health, well-being and peace of mind of those we serve.

We recognise that we live in a complicated and unpredictable world and peace of mind for our customers when travelling globally is very important to us.

Introducing Crisis Assistance Plus™

To further support our globally mobile customers, we are pleased to introduce Crisis Assistance Plus™, a worldwide comprehensive crisis assistance programme, provided by FocusPoint International. The programme is available as part of our Cigna Global Health Options health plans and is an exciting enhancement to our International Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™ optional module.

This programme provides time sensitive advice and coordinated in-country crisis response services in the event of a travel or security risk that may occur while our customers are traveling globally. It also includes a number of risks that have the potential to impact our customers when travelling, such as terrorism, pandemics and natural disasters.

Depending on the crisis situation, the programme offers rapid-response teams, emergency message relay for family members, experienced security personal for field rescues and more.

About FocusPoint International

FocusPoint International is a U.S. headquartered crisis response firm with 18 offices around the world and ground-truth resources in over 100 countries.

International Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™ optional module

This programme is available to customers who have selected the International Evacuation and Crisis Assistance Plus™ optional module, which can be added to your Cigna Global Health Options plan core coverage.

This module also provides medical evacuation coverage for reasonable transportation costs in the event that treatment is not available locally, in an emergency. As well as this, medical repatriation, as a result of a serious illness or after a traumatic event, and compassionate visits for a parent, spouse, partner, sibling or child to visit after an accident or sudden illness.

Stay protected with Cigna Global

Having comprehensive healthcare coverage for you and your family is one of the most important things you will need to consider when moving abroad.

At Cigna Global, we provide plans that are specifically designed for expatriates and globally mobile individuals.

We specialise in providing comprehensive health coverage, ensuring that you have the very best of care available to you as and when you need it.

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