When developing a well-being programme that supports and fosters the Whole Health of employees, it is important to have as much information as possible. Conducting a SWOT analysis is a good starting point.
What is a SWOT analysis and how can it be applied in relation employee Whole Health?
Before starting, it is important to know what a SWOT analysis is and why it is useful when devising a Whole Health plan. A SWOT analysis is a type of diagram formed by a two-by-two grid. The four dimensions which make up the acronym ‘SWOT’ are:
- Strengths - the internal capabilities and resources that give a competitive advantage
- Weaknesses - the aspects that limit the growth of a project
- Opportunities - the positive aspects offered by the environment to develop the initiative
- Threats - external factors that negatively affect the development of a project. This type of analysis provides qualitative and quantitative information with considerable added value.
When creating a Whole Health plan, this tool gives organisations a clear idea of how to use resources available within the framework of a well-being programme to meet the specific needs of their workforce. This is because a SWOT analysis can provide, in a simple and structured way, a clear picture of where the company stands in terms of its objective, which in this case, is adopting a holistic approach to employee healthcare.
How can each of the four variables be analysed to extract the valuable information needed to devise and implement a Whole Health plan?
1- Make a list of everything that could limit the success of the Whole Health plan (Weaknesses)
The first step in carrying out an effective evaluation of a Whole Health plan is to analyse the company’s weaknesses. They are usually internal factors, such as its flexibility when offering services, or even the resources available to meet employees’ needs.
So, to identify potential weaknesses that should be taken into consideration when developing a comprehensive Whole Health plan, we recommend considering the following questions:
- What is it that causes employees to change job or prevents companies from attracting new talent?
- Do employees see the company as innovative?
- How often are the Whole Health plans updated?
- Is there enough information to adapt the comprehensive Whole Health plan to employees’ needs?
- Is the company in a position to respond flexibly to employees’ needs?
- Are the internal capabilities and resources enough to develop an effective plan?
If this last point is identified as one of the weaknesses, having the support of a health services provider like Cigna Europe is an excellent option. We have vast experience in offering tailored Whole Health plans for companies - this makes us the ideal partner for providing effective solutions in this area.
2- Make a list of all potential external threats (Threats)
Next, it is important to identify the external factors that can affect the success of a plan. The sooner potential obstacles are identified the better, as effective solutions can then be recommended. In this respect, these questions need to be addressed:
- How are companies in the sector adapting to employees’ new demands?
- How does the political, cultural or economic situation affect the plans offered?
- Is it possible to draw on some form of key learning experience that the competition has gone through?
3- Highlight your strengths (Strengths)
What is it that you are doing better than the rest? Which health initiatives inspire candidates to choose your company? What areas of your comprehensive Whole Health plan will your employees benefit the most from? These are some of the questions that will help you identify your strengths – the internal capabilities and resources that give you a competitive advantage – and use them to build an attractive corporate culture that is focused on looking after employees’ Whole Health.
It is important to collect as much information as possible from your employees to identify what they value the most. That is why we suggest the following:
- Carry out satisfaction surveys
- Carry out Health Risk Assessments
- Encourage an open and honest dialogue between employees and their managers
- Provide digital channels where they can suggest ideas
- Create a calendar for regular meetings with employees
4- Consider all potential opportunities (Opportunities)
It is important to recognise that our way of life has changed forever, and, as a result, so have our needs. To look after the Whole Health of employees, it’s important to consider every aspect of their lives. Whole Health is more than just more than just looking after the body and mind, it’s also about recognising that everything that makes up your employees’ world – their family and friends, their work life balance, their financial health and access to care – is all connected and can influence how they think and feel at any given time.
So, to identify potential new ways to continue improving the care offered to the workforce, try to answer the following questions:
- What is the demographic of your workforce and do any groups of employees have unique Whole Health needs?
- What are the main demands made by employees that have not yet been met?
- Is your Whole Health plan well positioned in terms of health prevention and promoting an active lifestyle?
When each area of the SWOT analysis has been considered, you will be able to determine the right strategy for your business, know how to focus your resources on Whole Health and ultimately deliver a successful health and well-being programme.
It is also important to carry out regular updates (every three or six months) to identify and correct possible deviations, while checking the effectiveness of the strategy in progress.
We live in a world that’s constantly evolving and know that these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats will change too. Companies must be prepared to respond quickly to this situation. That’s why Cigna Europe’s Whole Health approach is now more relevant than ever. Whole Health focuses on the overall health of each person and the areas of their life that can impact their well-being. And it’s a model that can adapt to the changes in our lives. A thorough SWOT analysis at the start of the process, can pave the way for an effective Whole Health plan. By asking the right questions, employers can build a full picture of the health of their workforce and devise future-proof strategies that reflect the specific health needs of their company and each employee.
Cigna Europe can help you take care of your employees’ Whole Health. Find out more
1 Cigna COVID-19 Global Impact Study. Positivity around Vaccine Roll-Out and Anticipated Approval Leads Improved Perceptions on Whole Health. Link