International health insurance for students

The Benefits of International Health Insurance for Students Studying Abroad

24 November 2022
A young man smiling, holding a notebook, with students sitting on steps behind him

Studying abroad

Whether you are a young adult looking for an exciting new place to live to make the most of your learning adventure, or a mature student who feels they would thrive in a different country, our international health insurance is an excellent option for people living and studying abroad.

We offer round the clock services from a global team of medical experts. They’re there to deal with everything from scheduling appointments to arranging prescriptions, to giving you advice on managing stress and keeping you happy and healthy so that you can retain everything you’re being taught.

The benefits of studying abroad

Studying abroad can bring a whole range of benefits to your life, for your health and well-being as well as your learning. New environments can inspire your creativity, and help you focus your brain on what it is you need to do to maximize your learning. You might be studying a subject that a specific geographical location is renowned for teaching, or simply find that a more independent life abroad is what you need to get the most out of college, or university.

Inspire your mind

The excitement of a new country is a sure-fire way to inspire your creativity and focus your mind. By surrounding yourself with languages you don’t know, characters you perhaps haven’t met at home, or trying new things that you wouldn’t have previously had the chance to do, you can make sure your study years are full of enjoyment and success.

One of the main reasons people study abroad is to see the world. With over 6 million international students recorded in 2019, the broadening of horizons is clearly a huge motivation to live and study elsewhere for people entering higher education.

Studying overseas can also inspire you to live a healthier, and more fulfilling life. More temperate climates, and wholesome diets are two things that will certainly help you to feel more physically fit whilst studying, an important part of making sure you are performing to your best.

Learn in different ways

Perhaps you are someone who loves to learn, but has struggled with the educational system in your home country. Do not let this put you off, as education styles differ across the globe. Finland is said to have the best education system in the world, and is celebrated for its pressure-free style of teaching and learning. So you might find that the best decision you ever made was moving elsewhere to make the most of your learning potential.

Learning in a different country can be one of the best ways to fully immerse yourself in the culture, history and traditions of your host nation. You will learn things that the average tourist might not, and some of these unique learnings might help you to excel with your studies.

If you choose to study in a country that speaks a different language to your own, it’s well worth the effort to learn it, as knowledge of a second language can be hugely beneficial when seeking employment, and in general life.

Expand your global network

One of the most useful things you can do while studying anywhere is build a strong network of teachers and peers that can help to launch you into your career when you graduate. International connections can be great for anyone trying to better their prospects, as not only do they open the door to travelling in your career journey, they can also provide you with unique insights and opportunities that you might not get on a course back home.

Why international students need global health insurance

It doesn’t matter where you choose to study, making sure you’re covered for medical costs and services in another country is essential to having a stress-free experience while you’re there.

Students that travel between their country of residence, and their home country will also need an insurance policy that covers them wherever they might be. Global health insurance is designed to cover you wherever you go, making it the right choice for international students.

Why choose Cigna?

Cigna’s policies are designed to be flexible, and cover anyone wanting to live abroad, regardless of their destination. We have a network of nearly 1.7 million dedicated health experts working to provide the best service possible. Our team covers all medical necessities, from emergency treatment to appointments and prescriptions. The Cigna Wellbeing AppTM is designed to give you expert advice and information when you need it, helping you stay both physically and mentally fit. The app’s features include a free health assessment for when you might not be feeling well, and useful information on managing stress so that you can get the most out of your learning.

We have a team of experts that work with you to find country-specific solutions to your needs. Our Close Care cover may be a good option: providing cover between two countries (your country of nationality and the country where you’re studying). Or for an even more comprehensive plan, Cigna Global Health Options provides mental health cover – support that young people find very beneficial.

Our list of providers covers more than 200 countries, and we have 12 global service centers. So, wherever you choose to study, our international health insurance policies will be sure to look after you.

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